Vezi ca nu iti functioneaza hack-ul.
Ultima oară modificat Joi Mar 23, 2017 6:47 pm de către .caNnab1s., modificat 1 dată în total.
Motiv: Nu mai posta fara sens.E ultima oara cand iti zic.


Scrie in consola cl_hud 1 pentru tinta
Spinnn,tine.ti gura.
Despre faza cu teleportat...Ai la
Like no bitch
You ain't noticed
Missing me
With the hoe shit
Cause I heard you kissed me
At a party
After you sucked the host's dick
And that's gross bitch
Not something to laugh at
You think it was coincidence
That I wouldn't snap back
Every time you tried to hit me up
On the Snapchat
I'm pissed
Cause it's 3 years
I couldn't have back
Yo, I thought we really clicked
But the whole time
I was dealing with her shit
I gave her 3 tries
But the bitch would never quit
She would sit on a dick
Just to see if it'd fit
Sir Skitzo - Isolated.


Nu mai prezinti interes pentru acest topic. Presupun ca ai rezolvat.

Problema rezolvata.
N-am cerut la nimeni niciodata,
Chiar de-a fost sa rabd, in viata mea.
Am dat totul fara nici o plata,
Nevoind nimic sa mi se dea.

@Virgil Carianopol
Vezi-ti de treaba si retine:
"E treaba ta sa spui ce vrei si sa nu conteze pentru nimeni".

@Kazi Ploae

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